Cancellation Policy

  • Cancellation within 24 hours of purchase:

    You may cancel your order for any reason within 24 hours of purchase. After this period, we will be unable to process a cancellation.

  • Cancellation after 24 hours:

    If you cancel your order after 24 hours but before the shipment of your item, there will be no cancellation fee.

  • Cancellation with a refund:
    • Before shipment: You will receive a full refund.
    • After shipment: You will receive a refund minus shipping and handling charges.
  • Rescheduling your order:

    If you need to cancel your order, you may reschedule it for a later date. Please contact our customer service team to arrange a new delivery date by visiting our Contact Us page.

  • Cancellation of personalized orders:

    Personalized orders cannot be cancelled or refunded once production has begun.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Free shipping

5-8 days delivery included on every orders worldwide.

24/7 Customer service

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Lowest Prices Guaranteed

We guarantee the most competitive prices on the market.

30-Days Hassle Free Return

Changed your mind ? Return policy cover you up to 30 days.